Monday 4 April 2011

Film Final Characters...

I sketched the basic ideas of the outfits i wanted to create for each character...

The following photos show the seven characters and the actors who will play them...

This is Megan Scrivens. Here she is in costume for the popular girl. Her full make-up such as the smokey eyes and glossy lips propose the idea she is very focused on her appearance and the variation on the school uniform implies she could be a flirtatious character. Megan has had previous experience with film but also leads a 'party girl' syle life which gives her the experience to suit her to her character.


This is Greg Burke. Here he is in costume for the jock boy. Greg is a rugby player so he fits the role perfectly. He's wearing his uniform with a sports jacket and sport shoes to imply his role as the 'jock' as well as having messy hair and being physically fit. Greg is a rugby player in real life which gives him the 'Jock' body image.


This is me, Lucinda Hurst. Here I am is in costume for the prep girl. The meticulously curled hair and designer bag show an interest in fashion and the well dressed uniform suggests power and a determined character reflecting the 'prep' style. The red hair colour adds to the quirky image. I'm suited to play the character as I follow similar fashion trends as characters like Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl.

Indie Boy/ Rebel

This is Daniel Hilton. Here he is in costume for the indie boy.The loose tie, untucked shirt and skinny jeans are part of this 'image' and the cigarette and dark glasses signify the 'bad boy' look. In reality, Dan is part of an 'indie' band which mean his image is already quite similar to his character.


This is Verity Sandham. Here she is in costume for the chav girl. The thick, orange make-up and pulled back pony tale are very much associated with 'chavs' along with the tracksuit and the cheap gold jewellery. To add verisimilitude, we added Richmond cigarettes to her pocket, a brand of cigarette widely associated with this stereotype. The contrasting make-up Verity is pictured wearing such as the bright blue eyeshadow makes her character stand out as a 'chav'.


This is Kris Talbot. Here he is in costume for the nerd boy. The tucked in shirt, huge glasses and perfect tie work for this character. The jump tied over his shoulder adds to the idea he is 'geeky'. His slender frame and perfectly maintained hair add verisimilitude to the geek character.


This is Laura Corkey. Here she is in costume for the nice girl. The long skirt implies she doesn't have the bossy confidence of the popular girl and the prep girl who wore short skirts and the stripey socks and pink converse shows her kooky, individual style. This implies she doesn't fit in with the 'in' crowd'. Laura has been a musical theatre performer for many years, as well as straight acting which provides her with ample experience to play the character. She has a 'naturally' pretty look which makes her more suited to her character than say the popular character.


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