Monday 4 April 2011

Film Analysing opening credits... scrubs
Text – x ray style, all in left hand corner, white with blue backing to stand out against white scrubs. Title shown in the centre at the end on an xray, Hung up by main character to draw attention then lit up to reveal ‘SCRUBS’, the title of the show.
Image – carrying an x ray, main characters follow same path, dissolve between each one. Scrubs and lab coats indicate doctors in hospital surroundings, medical machinery. Characters appear multiple times, janitor showing in jumpsuit with broom, fixing light etc. Focus on main characters, extras in the background sped up and blurred. Jump cuts and cross fades between characters.
Sound – Lazlo bane – superman, no sound from the scene. vampire diaries
Text – Title shown at start, white with red glow, symbolising flesh and blood? Continues with same font and colours with credits show on bottom left and right of the screen. Included writers names and author of book based on.
Image- White and red flashes used to switch between scenes and add tension/ drama. Lomo effect imitates camera as if ‘someone’ is watching (flashes = camera flash?). Juxtaposes dark, mysterious characters and scenes on dark roads and woods with saturated ‘normal’ high school shots. Blends different symbolic items like the flame, amulet and rose, implies drama, mystery and magic which is followed up by the shot of the ‘spell book’. The shots of characters in period clothing suggest the programme includes flashbacks/ shots from the past and it’s intriguing that the characters look the same. The roses and flames are used again for the character shots filmed on green screen and super imposed onto mystical background. Typically uses head shots/ close-ups.
Sound – Great Nothern – Correct House, music begins to fade out towards the end but finishes suddenly with a peak then a dip in the music. gossip girl
Text – Animated ‘lights’ version of city transforms into text to read ‘Gossip Girl’ at the start. Actors names are in ‘Helvetica LT 33 Thin Extended’ front for the forenames and bold versions for the title. Orientates between showing them in bottom left and right then creator name shown in the centre at the end.
Image- Begins with bright lights and hair ‘swish’ and the titles made from city lights at night suggesting it’s a city based series with focus on the lives of socialites. The characters are generically attractive with thin, pretty girls and athletic guys. The characters are featured over a backdrop of New York city at night. Bright lights used to switch between scenes. Also uses montages of clips with reference to the song ‘pop the champagne’ and ‘living my life’. The end of the sequence shows the individual character shots all together. The characters are all individual stereotypes, some are friends, some are enemies.
Sound – Fergie - Glamorous, lyrics relate to the idea of the show living a ‘glamorous’ social lifestyle. Lyrics end when all characters are shown but music is continued with ‘technical’ sound and base line from the track. 90210
Text – The sequence doesn’t include the actor’s names but shows the show title twice. The title is white made to look like light and flashes to attract attention at the start and end though it’s shown larger at the start with the lights of the cars flashing by beneath it.
Image- It uses shots of California intertwined with one shot from scenes where each character is the main focus. It culminates with group shots showing the friendship of the group and the last shot of the three girls show they are the main significant characters which includes the girl show first in the title sequence. The saturation of the colour of the end scenes are quite high to give the impression of ‘sunny California’.
Sound – The theme music doesn’t include any lyrics and finishes with drum beats matched to the steps of the girls walking away. how i met your mother
Text – The title is shown at the start in quite ordinary plain font but the spacing between the lines is decreased to show the title fitted together as it’s quite long. It doesn’t include the actors names but lists the creators at the end using the same font.
Image- It begins with a flash implied as a camera flash as the shot that follows is a character shown with a camera. It goes on to show photographs of a group of friends of a group of friends. The images are show in a slightly sepia colour with the camera moving through the pictures which are interspersed with more red and yellow ‘camera flashes’.
Sound – The theme music uses vocal effects but doesn’t include lyrics with the last note held whilst the last group image is shown.


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