Wednesday 16 March 2011

Style of Trailer

Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

with the clips we have captured, a Guy Richie style film and Guy Richie style trailer is perfect for what we wish to do.

with this trailer, at 0.08 into the trailer the character names introduce the characters which is similar to what we will do. We thought we could do this by cutting individual scenes of normal acting and label them or by doin it with a black screen in the background with limited light to show them, it looks a bit more sinister but can give it a darker vibe.

We will be labelling them through specific fonts similar to the fonts from the magazine cover, but also by voice-overs.

in this trailer there is speech in between each significant scene which could also work! The voice-overs will be Gregs job which is perfectly suited to him as he can adapt himself to various voices, accents and tones.

Sin City

Similar to Lock Stock.. we would like the Character Labelling idea, but we may struggle with certain cartoon designs and certain editiorial techniques.


We would like to make it like the Bronson Trailer also, with the scene stops and then the zooming into that image (during the hard hitting beat of the song of choice).

The last few scenes could involve the Reviews and Critics Comments whilst the music stays consistently louder. With this we can gain suspense through the music and imagery rather than speech.


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