Wednesday 16 March 2011

Deciding on sound clips.

When doing the editing we had to make decisions based on which clip would sound better in which extract of the play. Mostly, we often used to get certain sound effects from and with such a wide range available it was occasionally hard to decide which was most fitting.

For example, in the toilet scene we needed the noise of a boy heaving and then the sound of a toilet flushing. The clips available for the heaving noise werent very convincing, so we decided to record our own using the portable mic. The toilet flushing noise however was easier to find. Here are some of the examples we sampled.
toilet 1
toilet 2
toilet 3

After listening to a large range of clips, we decided that none sounded realistic enough when put in context of the play. So we took a portable microphone and recorded our own sounds in the toilets in college. This gave it a more authentic sound.


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