Friday 1 April 2011

Evaluation Question 4, Part 2 - Software

After acquiring our video, photos and audio using hardware, we then used the following software programmes to create our final products.

The first programme we used was Adobe Premiere. This was our chosen video editing software and below is a gadget to explain the effects we used on Premiere, and the results on our documentary.

To go forward, click the bottom half of the text. To rewind, click the top half of the text. Alternatively, you can use the buttons in the bottom-right corner, next to the full-screen button.

There are several benefits of using Premiere over it's competitors (ie, Movie Maker, iMovie).
+ It's professional software with features that are used in real media texts.
+ It has an intuitive user interface which makes the editing process more efficient.
+ It can export to a variety of formats.
+ Many basic and elaborate effects are included out of the box.
+ The two preview screens are particularly useful during editing.

For the editing of our audio for the radio trailer, we used Audacity. We've already done a post on editing with the software - click below to check it out.

Here are the positive points of the Audacity software:
+ It's free!
+ It can export to several formats.
+ You can edit on numerous timelines.
+ The effects process is simple and productive.
+ You can record directly onto the timeline.

Thirdly, we used PhotoShop as our DTP environment for our advertisement. We've already done a post on editing with the software - click below to check it out.

The are several benefits of using PhotoShop, such as:
+ The interface of the different layers is very useful
+ You can use many effects - from basic image adjustments to something that changes the image altogether.
+ You can save to so many image formats, including PhotoShop's own .PSD format, which still allows for further editing.
+ It allows the combination of images from several files - like in our final poster!


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