Saturday 12 March 2011

Music for the final seconds/credits

The ending of our short film always reminded me of an ending to a film from the Saw series, when the girlfriend can be seen tied up, the film takes a turn towards horror cinematically. To emphasise the twist, we thought of a song to accompany the last few shots...
Because of the Saw influence, we immediately thought to use the score that is used in the final sequence of every Saw film: Hello Zep.

We did however think that this would be too obvious a reference to spot and rather tacky, so we started to think of alternatives.
The introduction to this song came to mind...

The opening piano and effects seemed to fit with the tone of the film, and the piano follows on nicely from the previous sound clip: Hand Covers Bruise from The Social Network.
We did not want any vocals however, so started to look for an instrumental version. Ideally, there would be the studio version of the song, simply with Jared Leto's voice removed, but there is no such thing so we'll have to make do with this...

Not too disheartened about this, however, it makes our work seem a little bit more original.

3 weeks left, so the pressure is starting to mount. Bring it on, yo.


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