Sunday 8 May 2011

Evaluation Question Three :)

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Here is an image of just some of the feedback we had recieved from friends and fellow students. Most people that had given feedback on our video had made comments on the originality or creativity of our video and had also mentioned that they liked the use of superheroes and villains as the 'good guy' and high school bully. Some people had also said that the whole style of the video fitted the music and the genre stereotypes of pop-punk. This is exactly what we were aiming for and so we are very pleased with the feedback that we were given. :)

As we have only recently released our video onto the internet, we have yet to recieve comments from many people other than other students and teachers. We have however got over 40 views since uploading it. :) All of the comments we have recieved have been positive and constructive and we are very pleased with the response that we were given, particularly from our target audience (teenagers, particularly those associated with the 'alternative' or 'punk' subculture).
-Nikki :)


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