Sunday 8 May 2011


The feedback we received was varied between a mix of positive and negative. Interestingly, good feedback came from our younger viewers whereas negative feedback came from our older viewers, e.g. some adults think that given the budget deficit, maybe higher fees are needed.

For example, Christine Engel, aged 51, said on Facebook: - “The music was in parts much too loud and the first lot of photos changed much too fast, so that I couldn´t always recognise everything. About the political views, I couldn’t agree more.”

On the other hand, Josh Nicholson, aged 17, said: - “I thought it was very informative, well laid and the interviews with Jo Baily and people at the protest was also professional. There were In-between shots that could have been cut shorter but nothing majorly wrong with it that stood out and really need to be changed. You involved lots of different people and didn’t just ask students, I felt represented. The music was also to my liking and helped it to establish what audience you were aiming for when it first came on.”


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