Thursday 5 May 2011

Evaluation Question One :)

1.In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The song that we had chosen for our music video, The Anthem by Good Charlotte, is a very stereotypical Pop-Punk soundtrack. We watched the original video for the song along with various other music videos from this genre and found many similarities that appeal to this genre’s main audience. For our video, we decided to keep a lot of aspects similar to the genre conventions. For example, we chose people who had an alternative look about them for our cast. We also found that a lot of Punk-Pop videos were set in and around a high school or in ‘grubby’ looking suburban areas.

Here is a picture of some of our cast compared to other stereotypical Punk bands. As you can see, We tried to pick out the main physical features of a punk band (hair, clothes etc) and cast our video as appropriately as possible.

We decided that the music channel that would be most likely to show a video such as ours would be MTV. Stereotypically, MTV videos tend to have a lot of quick, snappy cuts and all of the shots have a lot of movement to them. We tried to imitate this in our music video, creating as many different shots as possible to give it variety and an energetic atmosphere. We also used a lot of handheld in shots in our video. These are also very common in stereotypical punk videos as it gives them a sort of home-made, personal feel.

For our print work, we looked at music magazines such as Kerrang! For inspiration. As our video revolved around a high school theme, we decided to interlink our printwork and make our digipak look like a cover for a school book. I also created a crumpled up file paper texture for the poster and used a scribbled effect on the type and images to make it look as though it was a piece of old paper that had been scribbled on. This is also typical of this genre as it represents teenage rebellion; on of the major themes of our piece and conventional of the ideaology of the 'Punk' subculture.

The picture above is our own piece of work in comparison to two other professional ones that we looked at. As you can see, there are aspects of these two posters (Scribbled/drawn band images, jagged type etc) that we have incorporated into our own work.

-Nikki :)


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