Monday 20 June 2011

Monologues and scripts.

We opted not to use a script in writing Popcorn for a few reasons.

  • We knew exactly what we wanted: Myself, Ben and Jake had an exact visual idea for shooting the film which we explained thoroughly to our actress Chloe, so a script was unnecessary.

  • We wanted a more spontaneous, improvised style to the film. Scripts can sometimes be so filled with instruction and direction that the actor's performance does not feel so natural - without a script, the actors' performances became far more sincere.

  • The entire script would be filled with 'stage' direction, because there is little in terms of dialogue, the script would look like an instruction manual.

We did type out the monologue of the film. The reason we did this was to discuss such features of speech like intonation and where stress should be placed - although this seems basic and unimportant, we really wanted to ensure likability for the protagonist, and sympathy when it is revealed he is being cheated on - making it all the more shocking when the final twist is revealed.


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