Sunday 8 May 2011

Evaluation: What did you learn from audience feedback?

We asked students from our class and any students from the college to look at our work and give us some feedback on what was successful and what we could have tackled better!

Did it fit with the music video genre?

"It did in some ways in that it had the narrative structure there which was clear and worked well, however I have personally haven't seen many mainstream or pop music videos like this, but because it isn't a pop song I think it still shows the genre in keeping with your style."

How did our video attract an audience?

"It attracted me because it was very intriguing, and the establishing shots create confusion and a want to know more, but because we see the person sleeping first and see them waking up last it is very clear it is a dream and found it very interesting and wanted to watch it again"

Would you keep this video on if you saw it as a real media product?

" I would! Just because it is so different and inventive, I would watch to see what happens and enjoy the sharp editing"

What did you think of the editing and effects used?

"I loved the idea of the fast forward shots, which really made me relate to a dream because they are sometimes unclear and blurred"

"Also I really enjoyed the reverse shots, which created tension, for example where 'i'm back' appears on the white board. Also I really liked the use of intense, concentrated lighting in darkness to show the idea of night time"

"I enjoyed the use of black outs throughout the piece at random intervals, which showed to me how dreams are very random and have moments of nothing, then chaos"

What didn't go so well?

"I thought that some of the cuts weren't right on the beat of the music so that could have taken more time in the editing process to correct"

"Perhaps I would have liked even more storytelling within the video"


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