Monday 9 May 2011

Evaluation Question 3

From our feedback we were told our final product was very good, when asked about what the audience thought was good about the video they said the video flowed really well ie they meant the editing between cuts and the continuity was very well done. We were also told that they enjoyed the storyline and the effects we had in the video such as the past, where we made it black and white, and the way the effects affected the overall piece by making them relate to the characters more. Also our use of camera work such as the shot in the mirror, was complimented saying that we had thought about the positioning of the camera and the way we worked the band shots into the video was also a positive note.

We didn't get much negative feedback. Although one person commented we should have an opening title to the song and band display during the intro and end to make it look more authentic and professional, and also put the logo of a music show in the top corner to further this effect. In the early stages we had the girl push the boy but we were told the shot looked too unrealistic so we went back and changed the clip.

Damon Elsey


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