Thursday 27 January 2011

Research and Audiences

A typical music video by a pop artist or band usually consists of the artist singing to the camera along with a through line story which relates to the lyrics. This type of music video entices a specific 'Mainstream music' audience. However because our music video is not going to be entirely stereotypical, we thought it important to research our audience and who our video would be shown and appeal to. Here we have researched what music channels and radio stations our video would be best suited too. We shortlisted three options which we though would be the closest to our style below...

MTV would suit or music video for the reason that it always shows new and fresh music to appeal to young audiences, which would be good for our music video, however on the other hand it is an American channel so maybe would not show British artists that are not very well established, and also the style of music shown is mostly pop and R&B therefore again maybe not fully appropriate.

Kerrrang would fit well because it shows more artists which aren't in the mainstream but on the other hand is predominantly rock therefore our genre of music doesn't quite fit in.

Finally radio 1 seems to be the perfect radio station because the listeners are young people, also it caters to new music in the UK and encourages it, 'Jai Paul' our artist was also discovered by radio 1 in 'The new sound of 2011' competition so therefore is a perfect choice. Radio 1 also has a website where new videos of artists can be placed therefore this would be perfect for our video.


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