Friday 4 February 2011

Original first draft of the script

Originally, we had settled on doing a full story within the five minute time slot. However, upon discussing this with the group as well as asking a few friends on their opinion, we decided to follow the drama series style - much like The Archers for example- the storylinesw roll over and continue throughout the series. This means that rather than introducing characters, a problem, a complicating action and then a solution, our five minute clip would be an extract of continuous storylines.

Additionally, this fits in with the Hollyoaks/Grange Hill/Coronation Street style of script which our play will follow. This soap opera style may be difficult to execute as a radio play, as cuts between setting and scene will have to be portrayed through sound rather than visuals. This meant our script had to include detailed notes on what clips we would have in each section to aid the flow of the play.

We drafted a script, deciding that it would be best to get together a rough idea of lines and characters. We can then, throughout recording and production, deviate away from the written words where appropriate or follow the script perfectly.


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