Sunday 30 January 2011

Looking at the Poster advertisement

Again we did the same and printed out the poster in B&W so that we could see how it looked. We changed a few things just by looking at it, for example we added a boarder all the way around the picture in order to create a professional feel, however to still keep with our style we we used the erase tool to erase away some of the white boarder to create an edgy feel. Also we moved the text about the album release etc into the boarder to keep it separate from the striking image itself, and allow the audience to see the image first and be drawn in by that rather than being sold something.

Also we made the face of the person in the picture distorted to keep the theme from the digipak, however we felt because we distorted the body as well in the digipak we should also do that. Therefore we made a decision to use the liquify tool in photoshop to do the same to this image.


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